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Describe your image

Describe your image
Gloucestershire Bundles is a charity providing emergency packs of toiletries, clothing and equipment to pregnant women and families with children up to the age of 16, who find themselves in crisis situations.
We are a referral only service and so only have direct contact with professional workers, such as Community Family Workers and Health Visitors. If you or someone you know needs emergency support please get in touch with your Midwife, Health Visitor, Social Worker, Children’s Centre or other Professional to make an online referral via our website.
We take donated items that people no longer need in order to provide the required clothing and equipment that is asked for.
We also ask people to support us with a regular monthly donation that will help pay for the new toiletry packs or mattresses we give out. Please go to the 'Support us' section for more details.

Our Supporters
Refer a family in need
We are only able to accept referrals on behalf of a parent or family through a professional working with the family. This could be someone such as a Health Visitor, Social Worker, Midwife, School, Family Support Worker or a religious minister.
Click the button below to complete the referral form:
What will happen once I have referred?
A volunteer will check what we have available and put the ‘bundle’ together. If we do not have the needed item/s the referral will be put on a waiting list.
Once contacted, it is then the referrer’s responsibility to collect and pass on the ‘bundle’ to the pregnant woman, parent or family.
Support us
Gloucestershire Bundles cannot survive without the continued help from our band of volunteers and those who make donations to us, whether that be a financial donation, or pre loved clothes, equipment and new toiletries. We are thankful for every single item, and as a non-profit organisation, everything that is donated directly helps those in need.